Power Up Senior's Experience After Retirement

SeventyFiverr is a freelancer platform connecting retired elders with job opportunities, engaging them keep contribute to society and earn additional income. We aim to create dignified income opportunities for financially challenged retirees.

Elevate the parent experience with an intuitive progress tracking portal and streamlined interface design to enhance educational monitoring and family engagement
Project Type
Group Project of 2
Timeline & Year
November to December; 2022

Find the design scope

The Trend of Aging Population

The next decade will see a dramatic increase in workforce retirements as the baby boomer generation ages. Currently, 1 in 5 Canadians is over 65, but this ratio is expected to shift to 1 in 4 within a decade.

Confirming Our Assumption

We conducted qualitative research through surveys and interviews to validate our assumptions, gathering in-depth insights directly from our target users.

The Inspiration & Potential

Studies show that older adults bring valuable experience, knowledge, and skills to the workplace. Our project is inspired by the potential to challenge misconceptions and effectively utilize their capabilities.


“HOW MIGHT WE empower seniors and boost their confidence by providing a user-friendly platform that facilitates access to flexible job opportunities, enabling them to generate income post-retirement?”

Understand Our User

Desinging for Elders

We conducted secondary research on the educational app market for parents to understand the target audience's preferences, pain points, and behavior. With this information, we defined two primary user archetypes to guide our understanding of elderly users.

Guiding Principles

As well, since we were new to designing for elders, we wanted to ensure that we took a few main principles into consideration when moving forward.

  • The desire to find work for the elderly.
  • Protect the rights of the elderly workers.
  • Easy navigation with built-in instructions.
  • Simple Process and User Interface.


BoomerHustle: Freelance Freedom for Seniors

Our project targets older adults seeking freelance work. Through user-centered design, we prioritize usability for users over 75. Our approach focuses on presenting information clearly and concisely, avoiding overwhelming elements.

Onboarding & Sign in/Sign up

User is capable of choosing their suitable setting in the very first stage of using the app. It can help users to use the application easily and effectively.

Home - Dashboard

The first interface of the app is designed to provide elderly users with all the necessary information about their jobs right on the home screen, including their current jobs, dates, and times, ensuring easy access and a seamless user experience.

Suggested - Finding Work

The SeventyFiverr platform empowers elderly users by allowing them to choose and search for various jobs across three distinct categories: Survey (Blue), Individual Job (Purple), and Business Job (Orange), ensuring diverse opportunities to generate income and stay engaged in the workforce.

Detail Work Screen

Users can easily find all necessary job-related information, organized clearly to prevent overwhelm, and have the ability to contact and learn more about the client.


When creating opportunities for elderly individuals to re-enter the workforce, it is crucial to establish a framework that ensures their protection and well-being. Contract labor offers a structured approach to employment, providing clear terms and conditions that safeguard their rights.

Progress & Payment Checking

Ensuring clear and transparent progress and payment checking is essential for fostering trust and satisfaction among our elderly users. By providing detailed information about their clients, job status, and payment history.

Define Value

Beyond The Course

Emphasize Elderly Workforce

Our core value is empowering elderly individuals to re-enter the workforce and generate income post-retirement. We aim to create a user-friendly platform that simplifies job searching, offers personalized job recommendations and resources, and fosters a supportive community for elderly freelancers.

Aiding the Forgotten Generation

In today's app market, many designs focus on younger or middle-aged users, often overlooking the needs of the elderly. Our project addresses this gap, enhancing their financial independence and enriching their lives with purpose and engagement.

Design System

Visual approach

Our visual approach was shaped through extensive research to understand the unique needs and challenges of our elderly users. We incorporated iOS component icons for their intuitive design, ensuring consistency and ease of recognition for straightforward navigation.

To implement these insights effectively, we focused on:

Key Developments

"WHY" stroke and drop shadow ?

We did another research about improving usability.

  • Shadows and outlines enhance the ability to identify elements.
  • Shadows and outlines increase the ease and speed of finding components.
  • Shadows or outlines indicate whether a component is interactable.

Refinement after user feedback

Since we designed for elderly users, we had to ensure that everything was based on our research and users' feedback to guide our project in the right direction.

Prioritize the information and reduce unnecessary indicators

Incorporating Feedback into Design

We based everything on our research and user feedback to guide our project. Here is our latest interview with 6 elders, assessed using the System Usability Scale (SUS).

Incorporating Feedback into Design
Facilitating Effective Interaction

What we learned

Refer to the Research

Working on this project taught me the importance of research. Basing our decisions on research was crucial for guiding our project in the right direction. When we disagreed on the direction, referring to our research helped us work through discussions effectively.

UX is More Than Just Design

I learned that UX isn't just about visuals; it's also about clear and thoughtful copywriting. Effective language helps guide users and improve their experience.

By focusing on simple, supportive instructions, we made the app more intuitive and user-friendly for elderly users. This approach ensured our design was both functional and engaging.

Let's Create Someting

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